The Terminus Initiative is a registered charity working in partnership to meet the needs of Lowedges, Batemoor & Jordanthorpe.
Our area is considered deprived by many measures but is rich in community. We work hard to support & empower through supported volunteering, health groups, conversation, social groups, education, mental and emotional well-being, poverty relief and more. You can read about our work on this site.
If you would like to access services please get in touch. If you've been inspired to volunteer with us register here, and if you would like to support our work with a donation please click here.


What people say...
"The Terminus provides an excellent model of what can be achieved in a community of high health need, deprivation and unemployment. The whole approach has been “people first” and – from the outset - working with local people rather than on them.
There has been a careful and progressive winning of hearts and minds simply by affording a courtesy of asking people what their needs are, and then listening – a vital underpinning principle of successful community development work."
Public Health Specialist