Our charitable objectives
To further such purposes as are charitable under the laws of England and Wales as the Trustees see fit from time to time, in particular but not exclusively by advancing Christian faith and witness for the benefit of the community of Lowedges by:
Developing services and activities which will help to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of all sections of the community
Working in partnership with local residents, voluntary and community agencies and statutory service providers to help meet the needs of the community.
To meet these objectives, we do various projects and activities, and partner with various other organisations working in the Lowedges, Batemoor and Jordanthorpe area. Our regular activities and some of our partners are listed below.
Men’s Football (in partnership with Sheffield FC)
Community Allotment (in partnership with Oasis Gardening)
Coffee morning at the sheltered accommodation
Health walk and talk
Welcome place
Social and lunch group
Chair-based exercise
Coffee morning at the Meeting Place
Carers group
Energise with Helen (in partnership with Helen Fields Fitness)
Crafty corner art group
Friday fellowship
Women’s conversation club
Greenhill Library
Greenhill Methodist Church
Heeley City Farm
Jordanthorpe Library
LBJ Forum
Meadowhead Christian Fellowship
Peak Edge PCN
Sheffield FC